Σάββατο 21 Ιουνίου 2014

▲ D.I.Y Hair Mask

Hey my lovlies,do you have dry,unhealthy hair?Well,you are in the right place because i'm going to tell you how you can make a perfect hair mask!

Things you are going to need : 

  • Raw honey 
  • Olive oil 
  • Coconut milk (you can use from the can too)
  • Vitamin E
 How to do it? :

In a big bowl add in your coconut milk,olive oil and honey!Mix well with a spoon and apply the mask on your hair ...of course use how much of the ingredients you need depending on the length of your hair ( 3 tbsp of olive oil for really long hair/1 tbsp for shorter hair) ..Also you can leave it on for about 1 hour or even more!

That's it!It's really easy and a cheap alternative for those who don't want to spend  so much money for a product that you buy in your drugstore!Bye <3

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